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350 Riverside Drive| Dubai Real Estate

India $

2 months ago 10 hits ID #156515


350 Riverside Drive Sobha is the name of a brand-new building on the 350 Riverside Crescent Sobha line of Sobha Hartland 2. There are one to two beds in each of these Sobha houses. They work in an 8-million-square-foot building with lakes, ponds, trees and plants all around it. The 57-story residential building at 350 Riverside Crescent was built by Sobha Realty Group at Sobha Hartland 2. Sobha is one of the most well-known Emirati builders, and projects like Verde, The S, and Sobha One have made it popular. The towers project is a high-end podium that links it to other buildings. This apartment block has many floors and homes with beautiful architecture that blends new ideas with expert craftsmanship. 350 Riverside Drive Sobha's project has 1, 1.5, and 2-bedroom flats with high-end features and stunning views of Meydan Racecourse, the lagoons, and the lush greenery around them. On the podium floor of this development, there is an infinity pool where you can relax. On the 18th and 43rd floors, sky gardens offer amazing views of the area.


Country India
City Dubai
Whatsapp No. 043262191
Property Type Apartment
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