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Do A Online fundraiser Because Life Happens

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1 year ago 320 hits ID #32502


Do a online fundraiser today because life happens and so does the unexpected. There are many reasons both good and bad to raise a little money or  even just donate a little money to a charity or good cause of your choice. Some of us like to think of it as paying it forward for having been helped ourselves at some point in time in our lives. Cause we all need a little help sometimes.This is a great way to create solutions to life's problems. Everyday good people are struck down with unexpected debt by no fault of their own. Like getting stuck with funeral expenses for a loved one that passed away and had no Insurance. Or even a family member falling sick and being unable to work.Of course it don't have to be all about bad things happening. There are lots of positive reasons as well. Like a wedding or graduation or even a just a birthday party. You could even use it for a group trip or event for a group of friends.

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